To act as a revolutionary catalyst for change in Tai Tokerau, transforming hauora and well-being systems.
Toitū te mana o ngā whānau o Te Tai Tokerau,
kia toa, kia mārō, kia puāwai.
Te Taumata Hauora o Te Kahu o Taonui
Te Tai Tokerau Iwi-Māori Partnership Board
"We are in a critical turning point across Te Ao Māori. Our people have higher expectations of us as leaders and also the Crown. Now, more than ever is the need to whakakotahi - to come together for the benefit and wellbeing of our whānau, hapū and Iwi of Te Taitokerau as Āperahama Taonui foretold."
- Kahurangi Naida Glavish

Number of Iwi who hold mana whenua in our rohe.

Our total Māori population is estimated to grow by 33% in the next 20 years to 243,210.

This equates to 20.5% of all Māori in Aotearoa.
The number of Māori who live in our rohe.

Marae across our rohe.

Our Rohe, Our People
From Te Rerenga Wairua to the Tāmaki Estuary, we have a large and diverse Māori population.
Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.
Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book.

A locality is both a geographical area and the communities and people that reside there. Communities have their own specific health and social needs, aspirations and values that are unique to the local populations from the area. Under the health reforms, the intent is to protect the whānau and consumer voice and empower people in each Locality to have a meaningful say in the services they receive.

Our Rohe, Our People

From Te Rerenga Wairua to the Tāmaki Estuary, we have a large and diverse Māori population..